Ниже Вы найдете реальные темы эссе, которые были на основной волне ЕГЭ 2020.
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Итак, список:
Тема: School Education
- Information Technology is the most important school subject
- Foreign language is the most important school subject
- Literature is the most important school subject
- History is the most important school subject
- Physical Training is the most important school subject
В разных регионах были разные темы, но просто менялся предмет
Тема: Travelling
- It is better to travel alone
Тема: Family
- It is good to live in a big family
- It is good to have brothers and sisters
- Family traditions help to cross the generation gap
Тема: Health
- To be healthy, it is enough to eat healthy food
Тема: Household chores
- Teenagers’ main responsibility is to help their parents with household chores
Предыдущая запись Клише для эссе по английскому ЕГЭ
Следующая запись Ошибки в ЕГЭ 2020 по английскому языку